Tanium Python Package Runner

For Tanium as a Service ports, see Tanium as a Service Deployment Guide: Host and network security requirements. Security exclusions If security software is in use in the environment to monitor and block unknown host system processes, your security administrator must create exclusions to allow the Tanium processes to run without interference. Other Packages — PyTan v2.1.6 2.1.6 documentation. PyTan relies on a number of python packages to function properly. All dependencies are bundled with PyTan in order to make it easier for the user to start using PyTan right away. Create a new directory for storing PyTan: mkdir /tanium. Extract the PyTan ZIP file you downloaded to /tanium: cd /tanium unzip pytan-2.1.8.zip. Verify that your OSX install has Python 2.7.x installed and that your PYTHONPATH points to 2.7.x: python -V python -c “import sys; print sys.path”. The Version column reports the version of the Tanium Client software running on the managed machine. # mysql -version mysql Ver 14.14 Distrib 5.1.73, for redhat-linux-gnu (x8664) using readline can you post a screen shot of the sep client on linux, all this time I was under impression that only sav can be installe on Linux, may the screen.

Tanium™ Core Platform: 7.3 or later: Tanium™ Client: Windows: 7.2.314.3584 or later; Linux, AIX, Solaris: Any supported version of Tanium Client; Any supported version of Tanium Client. For the Tanium Client versions supported for each OS, see Tanium Client Management User Guide: Client version and host system requirements.

Review the requirements before you install and use Map.

Tanium dependencies

In addition to a license for the Map product module, make sure that your environment also meets the following requirements.

Tanium™ Core Platform
  • 7.3.314.4250 or later

  • or later
Tanium™ Client

For more information about specific Tanium Client versions, see Tanium Client Management User Guide: Client host system requirements.

One of the following Tanium Client versions is required, depending on OS:

  • (Linux, macOS*, Windows) Any supported version of Tanium Client
  • (macOS 10.15.x and later) 7.2.314.3608 or later

* = macOS earlier than 10.15.x Catalina

Any supported version of Tanium Client. For the Tanium Client versions supported for each OS, see Tanium Client Management User Guide: Client version and host system requirements.

If you use a client version that is not listed, certain product features might not be available, or stability issues can occur that can only be resolved by upgrading to one of the listed client versions.

Tanium solutionsIf you selected Tanium Recommended Installation when you installed Map, the Tanium Server automatically installed all your licensed solutions at the same time. Otherwise, you must manually install the Tanium solutions that Map requires to function, as described under Tanium Console User Guide: Import, re-import, or update specific solutions.

Tanium solutions at the following minimum versions are required:

  • Tanium Endpoint Configuration 1.2 or later (installed as part of Tanium Client Management 1.5 or later)

The following Tanium solutions are optional, but Map requires the specified minimum versions to work with them:

  • Tanium Trends 3.6.310 or later

Tanium™ Module Server

Map is installed and runs as a service on the Module Server host computer. The impact on the Module Server is minimal and depends on usage.

Tanium Python Package Runner


Python package index

Supported internet protocols

Map is currently only supported with IPv4 networks.

Supported operating systems


The following endpoint operating systems are supported with Map. Map uses the Tanium™ Client Recorder Extension to gather data from endpoints.

Operating SystemVersionNotes
  • Windows 7 SP1 or later
  • Windows Server 2008 R2 with SP1 or later
For Windows 7 endpoints, update to Windows 7 SP2 or later whenever possible. Windows 7 SP1 requires Microsoft Windows Update KB2758857.
macOSSame as Tanium Client support. See Tanium Client Management User Guide: Host system requirements.
  • Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5.4 or later

  • CentOS 5.4 or later

For other Linux version support, see Tanium Client Management User Guide: Host system requirements.

The Client Recorder Extension does not support CentOS and Red Hat Enterprise Linux versions 5.3 and earlier. Endpoints require version 5.4 or later of CentOS or Red Hat Enterprise Linux.

The Client Recorder Extension provides SELinux policies for the following distributions and versions:

  • Oracle Linux 5.x, 6.x, 7.x, and 8.x

    When SELinux is enabled, only process information is returned. This is a known issue and will be addressed in a future version of Map.

  • Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) 5.4 and later, 6.x, 7.x, and 8.x
  • CentOS 5.4 and later, 6.x, 7.x, and 8.x
  • Amazon Linux 2 LTS (2017.12)

At this time, SELinux is not supported on other Linux distributions.

For Linux endpoints:

  • Install the most recent stable version of the audit daemon and audispd-plugins. For information on deprecated parameters in the audit daemon configuration, see Tanium Client Recorder Extension User Guide. See the specific operating system documentation for instructions.
  • Be aware that when using immutable '-e 2' mode, the recorder adds Tanium audit rules in front of the immutable flag. When using the -e 2 flag on Linux, the endpoint must be restarted after the recorder is enabled.
  • Be aware that when using the failure '-f 2' mode, the Linux kernel panics in the event that auditd message is lost. The recorder does not add audit rules if this configuration is detected.
Tanium python package runner interview

Disk space requirements

The Map database on each endpoint contains a record of the TCP connections from the past 24 hours. The size of this database depends on the number of TCP connections. In most cases, the maximum size of the database is 200 MB.

CPU and memory requirements

The CPU demand on the endpoint averages less than 1%. A minimum of two CPU cores per endpoint is required. The Tanium Client Recorder Extension cannot operate on fewer than 2 CPU cores.

A minimum of 4 GB RAM is recommended on each endpoint device.

Host and network security requirements

Specific processes are needed to run Map.


The following ports are required for Map communication.

SourceDestinationPort ProtocolPurpose
Module ServerTanium as a ServiceModule ServerTanium as a Service (loopback)17504TCPInternal purposes; not externally accessible.

Configure firewall policies to open ports for Tanium traffic with TCP-based rules instead of application identity-based rules. For example, on a Palo Alto Networks firewall, configure the rules with service objects or service groups instead of application objects or application groups.

For Tanium as a Service ports, see Tanium as a Service Deployment Guide: Host and network security requirements.

Security exclusions

If security software is in use in the environment to monitor and block unknown host system processes, your security administrator must create exclusions to allow the Tanium processes to run without interference. For a list of all security exclusions to define across Tanium, see Tanium Core Platform Deployment Reference Guide: Host system security exclusions.

Map security exclusions
Target DeviceNotesExclusion TypeExclusion
Module ServerProcess<Module Server>servicesmap-servicenode.exe
Process<Module Server>servicesendpoint-configuration-serviceTaniumEndpointConfigService.exe
Process<Module Server>servicesmap-service[email protected]postgresqllibwin32binpostgres.exe
Process<Module Server>servicesmap-service[email protected]postgresqllibwin32binpg_ctl.exe
Windows endpoints7.2.x clientsProcess<Tanium Client>Python27TPython.exe
7.4.x clientsProcess<Tanium Client>Python38TPython.exe
7.4.x clientsFolder<Tanium Client>Python38
Process<Tanium Client>TaniumCX.exe
macOS endpointsProcess<Tanium Client>/TaniumCX
Linux endpoints7.2.x clientsProcess<Tanium Client>/python27/bin/pybin
7.4.x clientsProcess

<Tanium Client>/python38/python

Process<Tanium Client>/TaniumCX
Map security exclusions
Target DeviceNotesExclusion TypeProcess
Windows endpoints7.4.x clientsProcess<Tanium Client>Python38TPython.exe
7.4.x clientsFolder<Tanium Client>Python38
Process<Tanium Client>TaniumCX.exe
macOS endpointsProcess<Tanium Client>/TaniumCX
Linux endpoints7.4.x clientsProcess

<Tanium Client>/python38/python

Folder<Tanium Client>/TaniumCX

User role requirements

The following tables list the role permissions required to use Map. To review a summary of the predefined roles, see Set up Map users.

For more information about role permissions and associated content sets, see Tanium Console User Guide: Managing RBAC.

Map user role permissions
PermissionMap Administrator1,2,3Map Operator1,2,3Map Read Only User1Map Service Account1,2,4Map Endpoint Configuration Approver1,2


Access Map workbench






Perform Map operations using the API


Map Application Definition

Read and write map application definitions




Map Application Configuration

Register, use, write endpoint configuration items for Map


Map Operator Settings

Read or write most map settings




Map Settings

Read or write all map settings



Adobe acrobat 6.0 professional free download filehippo. Map Endpoint Configuration

Approve endpoint configuration items for Map


1 This role provides module permissions for Tanium Trends. You can view which Trends permissions are granted to this role in the Tanium Console. For more information, see Tanium Trends User Guide: User role requirements.

2 This role provides module permissions for Tanium Endpoint Configuration. You can view which Endpoint Configuration permissions are granted to this role in the Tanium Console. For more information, see Tanium Endpoint Configuration User Guide: User role requirements.

3 This role provides module permissions for Tanium Interact. You can view which Interact permissions are granted to this role in the Tanium Console. For more information, see Tanium Interact User Guide: Tanium Data Service permissions.

4If you installed Tanium Client Management, Endpoint Configuration is installed, and by default, configuration changes initiated by the module service account (such as tool deployment) require approval. You can bypass approval for module-generated configuration changes by applying the Endpoint Configuration Bypass Approval permission to this role and adding the relevant content sets. For more information, see Tanium Endpoint Configuration User Guide: User role requirements.

Python Package Index

Tanium Python Package Runner

Tanium Client Extension Coordinator

Provided Map administration and platform content permissions
PermissionRole TypeMap Administrator 1Map Operator 1Map Read Only User 1Map Service Account 1Map Endpoint Configuration Approver 1
Action GroupAdministration


Computer GroupAdministration



ActionPlatform Content


Action For Saved QuestionPlatform Content


Own ActionPlatform Content


PackagePlatform Content


PluginPlatform Content




Saved QuestionPlatform Content



SensorPlatform Content



You can view which content sets are granted to any role in the Tanium Console.
1 This role provides module permissions for Tanium Trends. You can view which Trends permissions are granted to this role in the Tanium Console. For more information, see Tanium Trends User Guide: User role requirements.